Beyonce’s new album missing five tracks on vinyl, fans complain

Matt said: “It’s such a shame because Ya Ya is probably up there with my top five favourite songs at the moment.”

He added: “I’m quite miffed that it’s not on here.”

Matt speculated that there could be a “deluxe” version of the album on the way, which would include all of the missing songs.

Fans also posted their frustration on reddit.

One wrote: “What is up with that?! How could she sell an incomplete album?” Another said they were “so sad” about the missing tracks, as first reported by the BBC.

Robert Komaniecki, a music theorist, posted on Twitter that there were “apparently some people who ordered the vinyl are finding out that it’s missing songs”. “Kind of weird and not good,” he added.

However, it is not uncommon for vinyl to have fewer records than digital versions. It is also possible that the missing songs were added to the later version of the album and as such the Vinyl pressing plant process began before the digitised album was finalised.

The Telegraph has contacted Beyoncé’s representatives for comment.

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