Two bodies still missing in Dandora, 4 days after heavy rains – Nairobi News

Residents of Dandora Phase 5 are running out of patience as they wait for the recovery of the body of a Grade Six pupil who was swept away by floods on Monday.

On Thursday afternoon, the head teacher of Ushirika Primary School confirmed that they were yet to receive the body of their 12-year-old pupil.

“Not yet, we are still waiting, but people are now protesting,” Esther Kamau told Nairobi News.

The incident happened at around 7 am on Monday, March 25 as the students were on their way to school.

As she crossed the makeshift bridge, which is the shortest distance to the school and connects Maili Saba village to Dandora Phase 5, she slipped into the raging waters.

She was accompanied by her cousin, a Grade 7 student at the same school, who told her to walk quickly as he watched her back, only to see her swept away by the water.

“There were two of them. The cousin asked her to go first but she slipped as she was almost crossing to the other side,” Ms Kamau said.

Teresia Nyota, one of the residents, said they had received no help from the county and national governments.

This is the fourth day they have camped on the banks of the Nairobi River, just hoping to recover the two bodies of their loved ones.

As well as the student, a neighbour who saw the girl being swept away jumped into the raging waters in an attempt to rescue her, only to disappear as well.

“No one has come to help us. We are now just praying to get her body and see what the next step is,” said Ms Nyota.

She said they would try their luck on Thursday, March 28, and if they were unsuccessful, residents would protest on Friday.

“Our men are down there searching for the bodies as we watch. The river has a deeper side where the man who tried to rescue the girl dived. We don’t have divers here and no one is willing to help us. The effects of the heavy rains that hit the district on Sunday night are still being felt by residents,” she said, “The makeshift bridges used by residents were removed after the incident, putting their lives at greater risk as there is no permanent bridge in the area. The lives of our students and everyone in the area are now in danger. We don’t have a bridge here. The other alternative route is very far away.”

The Kenya Red Cross said a total of 1,180 households in various informal settlements, particularly Mukuru Kwa Njenga and Mukuru Kwa Reuben, were worst affected.

“Following the heavy rains that hit Nairobi on Sunday night, our Red Cross Action Team immediately carried out assessments in several affected areas yesterday. Approximately 1,180 households in various informal settlements, particularly Mukuru Kwa Njenga and Mukuru Kwa Reuben, were identified as the worst affected,” said Senior Communication Officer Ahmed Munir.

In addition, the Red Cross said that based on the assessments, its team had successfully evacuated 52 households in Kayole whose homes were submerged by floodwaters.

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