Coordinator Job Opportunity at Farm Africa Vacancy

Coordinator Job Opportunity at Farm Africa Vacancy

Coordinator Job Opportunity at Farm Africa Vacancy

Coordinator Job Opportunity at Farm Africa Vacancy

Position: Innovation and AgTech Coordinator

Farm Africa

Location: Dodoma or Sumbawanga (but will consider Dar es Salaam for exceptional candidates)

We are looking for a Project Innovation and AgTech Coordinator to play a vital role in bridging the gap between digital technology and agriculture, driving innovation, and promoting sustainable practices in the five-year NOURISH project.

The role will provide technical and administrative management support for project operations to identify opportunities to pilot and integrate various innovations into the project and enhance the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the project through the use of relevant and effective technology and digital solutions in the target agricultural value chains and geographies in the project.

The aim of this role is to improve productivity, efficiency, and sustainability in farming practices and market systems by leveraging the potential of various innovations, including digital agricultural (agtech) and financial technology (fintech) solutions.

If you are adept at identifying and driving innovation in agriculture, as well as promoting initiatives and technology adoption, we want to hear from you.

More information about the role can be found in the job description. If you would like to apply please submit a CV (no more than 3 pages); a motivation letter detailing your interest, suitability and expected salary for the role (no more than 1 page); and a brief write-up (no more than 1 page) which also answers the following question: “What do you think are the key opportunities for deploying innovation and digital technology in Tanzania’s agriculture sector?” Any applications that do not respond to this question will not be considered.

Applications should be sent to: and will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

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Opera Jobs

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