Russians flock to see captured British armoured vehicles in Moscow propaganda exhibition

The exhibition, intended to reinforce Russia’s claim that it is fighting against the collective might of the West in Ukraine, was held outside a museum celebrating the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany in 1945.

“History is repeating itself,” a spokesman for the Russian defence ministry said, adding that in 1943 the Soviet Union had also paraded captured tanks and hardware, in that case from the German army.

“Strength is in the truth. It’s always been that way. In 1943 and today. These war trophies reflect our strength. The more of them there are, the stronger we are,” the ministry stated, predicting a Russian victory in what it officially calls its “special military operation” in Ukraine.

“No Western military equipment will change the situation on the battlefield,” it added.

Ukraine has previously displayed destroyed Russian vehicles in the centre of Kyiv.

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