Mechanical Technician Job Opportunity at ALAF

Mechanical Technician Job Opportunity at ALAF

Mechanical Technician Job Opportunity at ALAF

Mechanical Technician Job Opportunity at ALAF

ALAF Limited Tanzania

Dar es Salaam

Reference Number:ALAF06052024


Maintenance and installation of equipment.
Ability to overhaul Centrifugal pumps, gearboxes, gear pumps, hydraulic cylinders, solenoid valves, various valves, cold rolling mill, annealing plant, and roll grinding machine.
Ensure high quality output work/ no job repetition.
Monitor record and report equipment performance by filling daily machine maintenance checklist.
Carry out preventive and breakdown maintenance • Ability to work independently with minimum supervision.
Monitor and report stock levels of all items.
Execute housekeeping in line with 1K & 2K principles.
Complete any other responsibilities assigned by the Supervisor. Financial & Budgetary Responsibility.
Ensuring all mechanical operations are implemented within an approved budget
Responsible in taking care of the tools during and after work
Proper use of spare parts to avoid damage and rework
Proper use of consumables (avoid taking unnecessary excess consumables more than needed)


Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
At least 1 year of work experience working as a Mechanical Technician
Excellent personal organizational skills with the ability to multitask, prioritize and meet tight deadlines
Positive energy, employee centric, listening skills, fast paced, prompt, energetic, enthusiasm, goal oriented, self-motivated and focus.


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Opera Jobs

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