Hundreds of students arrested at campuses across US for Gaza protests

Jonathan L Swain, a Harvard spokesman, said the act was “a violation of university policy and the individuals involved will be subject to disciplinary action”.

Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, called for the National Guard to be deployed to quell unrest during a visit to New York’s Columbia University on Wednesday. Demonstrators have been camped outside there since April 17 when Minouche Shafik, the university’s president, testified in front of a House committee following a surge in anti-Semitism on campus.

More than 100 people were arrested on suspicion of criminal trespass the following day.

Elsewhere, police fired pepper balls into crowds at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, on Friday, with 28, including several professors, arrested. At Boston’s Emerson College, 108 people were arrested and four officers injured on Thursday. While at the University of Texas, Austin, on Wednesday, more than 100 officers, some on horseback, moved in to dispel a crowd.

There have been dozens more arrests at New York and Yale universities.

At institutions across the US tensions have been simmering since October 7, with colleges struggling to balance free speech and student safety in the face of rising incidents of anti-Semitic abuse. Some have used public-space rules to bring demonstrations under control, while others have threatened suspension or expulsion.

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