Senior Software Developer Job Opportunities at Web Corporation Limited

Senior Software Developer Job Opportunities at Web Corporation Limited

Senior Software Developer Job Opportunities at Web Corporation Limited

Senior Software Developer Job Opportunities at Web Corporation Limited

Dar es Salaam

Web Corporation Limited

ICT Company That Provides Cost Effective Solutions

Web Corporation Limited is looking for a Senior Software Developer to join our team . As a software developer you will join our team and be responsible for software products development to serve the needs of our customers.


Develop and Maintain Web Applications: Design, develop, and maintain high-quality web applications using PHP and the Yii framework.

API Development and Integration: Create and manage APIs to support our web and mobile applications.

System Deployment and Maintenance: Oversee the deployment of web applications and ensure their continuous operation and security.

Technical Leadership: Provide guidance and mentorship to junior developers, ensuring best practices and high standards are maintained.

Collaborate with Teams: Work closely with product managers, designers, and other developers to ensure project requirements are met.

Code Review and Testing: Conduct code reviews and ensure all code is thoroughly tested and documented.

Troubleshooting and Debugging: Diagnose and resolve application issues and bugs promptly.

Stay Updated: Keep up to date with the latest industry trends and technologies to ensure our applications remain cutting-edge.


Experience: Minimum of 4 years of experience in PHP development, with at least 3 years specifically using the Yii framework.

Education: Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field (or equivalent experience).

Technical Skills:

Proficiency in PHP using Yii framework.

Strong understanding of web technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and AJAX.

Experience with RESTful API design and development.

Proficient in database design and management, particularly MySQL.

Familiarity with version control systems, particularly Git.

Experience with deployment tools and processes.

Soft Skills:

Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail.

Strong communication and teamwork abilities.

Ability to work independently and manage multiple projects simultaneously


Experience with other PHP frameworks and modern front-end frameworks.

Knowledge of cloud services and infrastructure (e.g., AWS, Azure).

Familiarity with Agile development methodologies.

How to Apply

Send a detailed and updated CV (containing links of sample work) to:

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Opera Jobs

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