Senator who called for Gachagua’s sacking makes amends – Nairobi News

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua and Murang’a Senator Joe Nyutu shook hands and pledged to bury their political differences.

The two met at Muthithi Catholic Church in the district, where Gachagua attended Palm Sunday services with about 20 political leaders.

Mr Nyutu has been calling for Mr Gachagua to be sacked and replaced by Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro.

After the handshake, Mr Nyutu said he was solidly behind the deputy, although “I must add that Mr Nyoro, whom you love, sent me his greetings as he could not make it to this function”.

Mr Nyoro did not attend the service, repeating his boycott of  March 20, 2024, when he did not accompany the Deputy President to the opening of the Ikundu Coffee Mill in Maragua Constituency.

Mr Nyoro also failed to show up at Murang’a University of Technology in Kiharu constituency where Mr Gachagua delivered a public lecture.

Since President William Ruto was sworn in with Mr Gachagua as his deputy, Mr Nyoro has never accompanied the DP to a public function where the President was not present.

Also read: Gachagua apologises to Uhuru Kenyatta’s mother, Mama Ngina, for political insults

He only accompanied Mr Gachagua to Murang’a on February 10, 2024, after President Ruto reportedly ordered them to hold a joint public function to stem the bad blood between them that was dividing not only Mt Kenya but the entire country.

The meeting came two weeks after Mr Nyutu launched a scathing attack on Mr Gachagua, describing him as “a liability in the President’s inner circle and unfit to be his running mate in 2027 because of his anti-people and dictatorial behaviour”.

But on March 24, Mr Nyutu came out strongly calling for peace and unity in the Mt Kenya region.

“For the sake of our people, our economic activities and our future presence, I join hands with others to declare solidarity with President Ruto and our Deputy President to work for service delivery,” he said.

Mr Nyutu said, “When we are united as a region, we will work better for our people and maintain the focus of uniting for common interests and resisting what threatens our space”.

Mr Gachagua and Mr Nyutu announced that they would complement each other in calling for more babies from families in the region.

“I implore you to multiply… we need babies… lots of babies so that we can sustain our numbers. After I make it possible for husbands to come home early and sober, our women should accommodate them and start making babies from 11 pm,” he said.

Mr Nyutu said he would be the baby bump campaign ambassador, giving instant cash rewards to all pregnant women he encounters.

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