Roscoe the robot dog credited with saving police lives during armed raid in Massachusetts

The gunman also shot at one of the other robots and an outdoor swimming pool before officers deployed tear gas and a “demolition tool” to coax him out of the house.

He was charged with attempted murder and firearms offences, police said.

“The incident provided a stark example of the benefits of mobile platforms capable of opening doors and ascending stairs in tactical missions involving armed suspects,” the force said.

“In addition to providing critically important room clearance and situational awareness capabilities, the insertion of Roscoe prevented the need, at that stage, for human operators and may have prevented a police officer from being involved in an exchange of gunfire.”

Boston Dynamics, the company that made the dog known as a Spot robot, said it was the first time one of its devices had been shot.

“We are relieved that the only casualty that day was our robot,” the company said. “It’s a great example of how mobile robots like Spot can be used to save lives.”

Roscoe was returned to Boston Dynamics where it will have surgery to remove the bullets while a new robotic dog unit will be sent to state police.

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