Princess Anne And Timothy Laurence’s Body Language Proves They Are Still Very Much In Love

In a photograph taken at Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral, Sir Timothy Laurence could be seen standing tall behind Princess Anne. Many reports discussing Laurence’s visible support of his wife surfaced during this difficult time, with the Daily Mail calling him “Princess Anne’s rock.” Making an appearance in the documentary, “Anne: The Princess Royal at 70,” Peter Phillips, Anne’s son, spoke of how Laurence supported his mother in the aftermath of the queen’s death. 

After analyzing the picture taken at the funeral, body language expert and celebrity love advisor, Nicole Moore, said that Laurence’s body language supports Phillips’ statement in the documentary. “Sir Timothy’s body language in this picture demonstrates his steadfast support of Princess Anne. His jaw is tight and locked, his back is straight and firm, his entire body language is saying that he’s a strong support for Princess Anne,” Moore told The List.

Anne, on the other hand, appears to put on a brave face when she’s going through a hard time. Moore noted that Anne’s chin is lifted in the image, which indicates that she was trying to look strong, but her body language also betrayed an urge to protect herself. Moore said this urge was evident from the way she turned her right shoulder to the front. “She’s likely happy to have the support of Sir Timothy, but she’s also independent enough not to feel that she needs it,” Moore explained.

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