Olympic prize money will divide athletes says Sir Steve Redgrave

Five-time Olympic champion Sir Steve Redgrave has warned that paying prize money to athletics gold medallists at Paris 2024 will create “an us and them situation” between sports.

World Athletics announced in April it would offer prize money at this summer’s Games – the first sport in Olympic history to do so.

The winners in the 48 disciplines will each receive 50,000 US dollars (£39,400).

Prize money will be paid to all three track and field medallists at the 2028 Games in Los Angeles.

Redgrave, who won rowing gold medals at five successive Olympic games between 1984 and 2000, said: “All those gold medallists in athletics are capable of earning significant money before and certainly after Paris so you’re giving money to people who already have it.

“It becomes an us and them situation. I did OK – although I made more money from retirement than I ever did in rowing – but I’m against it.”

Redgrave added he would prefer if “that money” was distributed “to other sports”.

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