Mike Tyson Thinks There’s One Thing About Barron Trump Even More Significant Than His Height

According to Donald Trump, Barron Trump has a knack for working with technology. “He’s a genius with computers,” Donald explained to a crowd in Las Vegas in 2020. Barron was 13, almost 14 at the time, and his father asserted that Barron had enough expertise to construct complex websites. “I could have given [the U.S. government’s] healthcare site, he would have done it for nothing and it would have been better than what they have,” Donald proclaimed. Two years later, Donald highlighted a rather startling aspect of Barron’s skills. He bragged to an audience in 2022 that Barron could circumvent security protocols on Donald’s computer and unlock it. 

As far as education goes, Barron has attended multiple private schools over the years. He’s on track to graduate in 2024 from Florida’s Oxbridge Academy. After that, it’s unclear what his post-secondary education will encompass, or what school he will select. However, Donald did mention that his alma mater, the University of Pennsylvania, was under consideration.  

Like his mom, Melania Trump, Barron has stayed out of the spotlight both during and after his father’s presidency, and he could continue this practice as a college student. “By focusing on his education and personal interests,” Eden Gillott, crisis management expert of Gillott Communications, informed The List, “he can navigate the heightened attention in a way that aligns with his preference for privacy.”

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