Filed Worker (Technician) Job Opportunity at Ifakara Health Institute

Filed Worker (Technician) Job Opportunity at Ifakara Health Institute

Filed Worker (Technician) Job Opportunity at Ifakara Health Institute

Filed Worker (Technician) Job Opportunity at Ifakara Health Institute

IHI – Ifakara Health Institute (IHI)

Bagamoyo, Pwani

Filed Worker (Technician) [1 post] – Transmission Zero, Bagamoyo

The Field Worker (Technician) will be responsible for conducting research activities on mosquito borne diseases and its surveillance.

Position Summary

Ifakara Health Institute is looking for a qualified Field Worker to join the Transmission Zero Project. The Research Scientist will be responsible for conducting research based on mosquito borne diseases and its surveillance, ensure all data and samples collected from the experiments are properly recorded and stored and to comply with adherence to mosquito borne diseases and surveillance project implementation protocol.

He/she will also be responsible for ensuring systematic and proper handling and management of data and support Field Supervisor/Research Officer in data analysis and report writing.

Qualifications and Experience

Applicants must be holders of Secondary Education or Certificate of sciences in Laboratory Technology or any other related field with 2 years’ research experience in vector control and biology and rearing laboratory mosquito colonies.

Mode of Application

All candidates who meet the above job requirements should send their application letters together with their detailed curriculum vitae (CVs) showing contact addresses including email, telephone/cell phone numbers and copies of academic and professional certificates to the email address below.

The deadline for this application is 17:00 hrs on Sunday, May 26, 2024. All e-mail application subject lines should include: Field Worker (Technician) – Transmission Zero. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted for interview.

Human Resources Manager


#5 Ifakara Street Plot 463 Mikocheni

P.O. Box 78,373

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


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