Eat your ugali and stop insulting other leaders – Nairobi News

A Jubilee Party Member of Parliament has attacked Trans Nzoia Governor George Natembeya over what the lawmaker says is the county boss’ plot to disrespect a prominent figure from Western Kenya.

Dagoretti MP Beatrice Elachi was referring to the ongoing rift between National Speaker Moses Wetangula and Mr Natembeya.

Supporters of the two politicians recently clashed at a funeral in Trans Nzoia County, and Ms Elachi has pointed the finger at the county governor.

Speaking in Lugari, Kakamega County on Sunday, March 31, Elachi said Mr Natembeya should concentrate on serving his constituents and not inciting his people against the National Speaker.

The MP, who once served as Nairobi County Speaker, used parables to attack the Trans Nzoia governor, suggesting that Mr Natembeya should concentrate on enjoying his own food instead of hurling insults.

The food she was referring to was ugali, a delicacy prized by the people of Western Kenya.

“Just eat your own ugali and stop the insults,” Elachi said.

According to the MP, who is allied with the Jubilee Party as part of the Kenya Kwanza opposition coalition, the governor should allow senior Western Kenya leaders to unite their people instead of fighting among themselves.

She cited the unity between the Rift Valley and Central regions, where she said residents are firmly behind President William Ruto and his deputy Rigathi Gachagua.

Encouraging leaders from the Western region, commonly known as the Mulembe Community, MP Elachi urged them to open their doors wide for growth and development.

“We should respect the leaders that God has given us. Respect the Speaker (Moses Wetangula). He is the one God gave us. Even if you don’t love him, approach him and advocate for your interests,” she explained.

The recent altercation between Speaker Wetangula and Governor Natembeya, where their supporters clashed at a funeral ceremony in Trans Nzoia County, has since been condemned.

Mr Natembeya has been accused of orchestrating the chaos.

The Cabinet Secretary for Internal Affairs, Prof Kithure Kindiki, issued a stern warning to politicians not to cause chaos at funerals.

Politicians have been using funeral platforms not only to play politics but also to gain mileage from their constituents.

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