Dr Omer Adil Thinks Fahad Mustafa Is A Stressed Out Clown

Dr. Omer Adil is a brilliant Orthopedic Surgeon who holds MBBS and FRCS degrees. He is a renowned surgeon in Lahore with high patient satisfaction rate. Dr. Omar Adil got recognition through his television appearances in the popular PTV Entertainment Shows. He used to give his deep analysis on famous Lollywood films and actors. Lately, he has been doing his analysis with YouTuber Haseeb Khan on his channel Ganda Aanda and the public is loving their collaboration. He is a regular part of the show where he gives his thoughtful analysis on various social issues and media controversies.

Dr Omer Adil Thinks Fahad Mustafa Is A Stressed Out Clown

In the one of his shows, he gave his analysis on Fahad Mustafa’s controversial statement on YouTubers.

Dr Omer Adil Thinks Fahad Mustafa Is A Stressed Out Clown

Dr Omer Adil Thinks Fahad Mustafa Is A Stressed Out Clown

Dr Omer Adil Thinks Fahad Mustafa Is A Stressed Out Clown

Dr Omer Adil Thinks Fahad Mustafa Is A Stressed Out Clown

Talking about it, he said, “I don’t know why he gave this statement. Fahad Mustafa must be a very stressed-out man because he has been doing a show for many years. He has been hosting a game show where he has to scream for hours, inviting families and using them for content. He is under the effect of such a show because it has become part and parcel of his life. Imagine the state of a person who has been doing it for years; it must be having its effects on his mind. I don’t know in which mental state he said such a harsh statement, but you have to see what he has been earning his wages through. He gets it after screaming for hours and definitely it has made him a different person, also, the families who are being sold are happily ready for it”. Here is the link to the video:

Talking about YouTubers selling their families, he said, “Let me tell you, both are right (YouTubers and Fahad Mustafa), an ordinary YouTuber is surviving through his family content. I know a family of a Punjab’s village where the guy is making content with his wife, they introduce each member as per need, it is their source of earning. People wait for him and love to watch their content”. Here is the link to the video where Dr. Omar Adil took the side of YouTubers who are surviving because of their quality content:

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