Donald Trump reveals his plans for a second term

Mr Trump added he would be “inclined not to do it”. He said: “I wouldn’t want to hurt Biden. I’m not looking to hurt Biden. I wouldn’t want to hurt him. I have too much respect for the office.”

But he later said: “Biden, I am sure, will be prosecuted for all of his crimes, because he’s committed many crimes,” he added, without specifying them.

Another Jan 6?

Asked about the possibility of violence if he loses in November, Mr Trump replied: “It always depends on the fairness of the election.”

A pro-Trump mob stormed the US Capitol on January 6, 2021 in a bid to halt Congress’ certification of Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 election.

Asked about the prospect of a repeat of the violent scenes, Mr Trump said: “I think we’re going have a big victory and I think there will be no violence”.

But when pushed, he said: “If we don’t win, you know, it depends”.

The former president also said he would “absolutely” consider pardoning the hundreds of Jan 6 rioters who have either pleaded guilty or been convicted by a jury over their actions.

Trade tariffs

Mr Trump signalled he would ramp up the protectionist trade policies of his first term, and said he is considering a tariff of more than 10 per cent on all foreign imports, and perhaps even a 100 per cent tariff on some Chinese-made products.

He said he believed it would redress a trade imbalance and unfair practices by other countries who were “stealing” America’s jobs and wealth.

Mr Trump said China was the leading culprit, but described India, Brazil, France and other European nations as “very difficult to deal with on trade”.

He dismissed suggestions that the policies could have an inflationary impact, framing it as “reciprocal” action that would return jobs to the US.


Mr Trump warned Nato members will be on their “own” unless they increase their defence spending.

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