Direct Sales Job Opportunities at DCB Commercial Bank

Direct Sales Job Opportunities at DCB Commercial Bank

Direct Sales Job Opportunities at DCB Commercial Bank

Direct Sales Job Opportunities at DCB Commercial Bank

Dar es Salaam

DCB Commercial Bank

Dar es Salaam Community Bank (DCB), whose official name is DCB Commercial Bank, but is commonly called DCB Bank, is a commercial bank in Tanzania.


DCB Commercial Bank PLC is a fully-fledged retail and commercial bank in Tanzania. The bank offers banking services to Individuals, Microfinance, Small to Medium sized Businesses (MSME), as well as large corporate cli- ents. DCB Bank has a wide branch network of over 9 branches, over 700 DCB Wakala Agents, and over 280

Umoja switch ATMs serving over 3 million customers across the country.

We invite suitably qualified candidates to fill the positions of Direct Sales. The successful candidates will be responsible for driving the sales objective of the bank through day-to-day customers acquisition, deepening existing customer relationships and maintain operational excellence with appropriate service standards.

Key Responsibilities:

Acquiring new to bank customers including sales merchants by appointment, referral, solicitation or door to door service in the assigned territory.
Registering customers to DCB Digital Platforms and educating them on how to use the bank’s self- service channels.
Ensuring all opened accounts meet the required KYC standards.
Generating leads, identifying repeat businesses, upsell and cross-sell bank products and services to the customers.
Participating in campaigns and events to sell bank products and services.
Assisting branches in identifying viable marketing and pricing opportunities.

Qualifications and Experience

Diploma or equivalent from a recognized institution.
Previous experience in direct sales job of bank products and services.
Ability to work outside office setting, with daily exposure to outside environment.
Flexible to work within non-standard business hours.
Integrity, good customer service, communication and presentation skills.
Computer literate.

How to Apply:

If you believe you are the right candidate for this position, kindly submit your application with a detailed CV, photocopies of academic certificate, and names of three referees with their contacts, quoting reference number DCB–DS–05/2024 on the subject of the email citing the region you would like to work between Dar Es Salaam or Dodoma. To be considered, applications MUST be submitted through not later than 18th May 2024. Hard copy applications will not be accepted.

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Opera Jobs

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