Columbia University bans protest leader over Zionists remark

A student protest leader has been banned from Columbia University’s campus in New York for saying that “Zionists don’t deserve to live” and that people should be grateful he wasn’t murdering them.

“The same way we’re very comfortable accepting that Nazis don’t deserve to live, fascists don’t deserve to live, racists don’t deserve to live, Zionists, they shouldn’t live in this world,” said Khymani James in a video circulating on social media.

The comments were reportedly made during and after a disciplinary hearing with the university, which Mr James recorded. He had been called to the hearing over an earlier comment on social media, in which he discussed fighting a Zionist. “I don’t fight to injure or for there to be a winner or a loser, I fight to kill,” he wrote.

In the video, he adds: “Be grateful that I’m not just going out and murdering Zionists. I’ve never murdered anyone in my life and I hope to keep it that way.”

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