Bushra Ansari Shares Love And Respect For Househelp

Bushra Ansari is a multitalented veteran artist of Pakistan. She is a great actress, singer and she has the ability to perform live as well. Bushra Ansari has been in the industry for four decades now and she is a force to be reckoned with. She has maintained her stardom but she is still very humble and down to earth. She loves to meet her fans and she is always advising people to stay positive and be happy.

Bushra Ansari Shares Love And Respect For Househelp

She was a guest on Maya Khan’s Ramadan transmission and she had something beautiful to share about her househelp. She said that she does not call her helpers; servants, as that gives a bad connotation. Yes, these people take money to cook and clean for you but the loyalty they show you cannot be measured in financial terms.

Bushra Ansari Shares Love And Respect For Househelp

Bushra Ansari also shared that her househelp has now been with her for over 10 years while the last one stayed with her for 17 years and she is still in touch with their family. She added that her househelp is like her children as they have stayed with her when her daughters are in abroad and she loves and respects them a lot.

Bushra Ansari Shares Love And Respect For Househelp

This is what she shared:

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