BrookHurst International School addresses viral bullying incident – Nairobi News

The Principal of BrookHurst International School, Hellen Nduhiu, has issued an official statement in response to a viral video showing one student bullying another.

“I am writing to address a recent matter that has come to our attention regarding a video/photo that has been circulating within our school community,” Nduhiu said in her statement. “It is important that we acknowledge this issue directly and provide clarity on the steps we are taking to address it.”

The video in question shows a disagreement between two students that escalated into a physical altercation. Nduhiu stressed that the school does not condone any form of violence, conflict or discord among its students.

“It is imperative that our school remains a safe and respectful environment for all,” Nduhiu continued. “While we understand that conflicts may arise between individuals in any school environment, nationally or globally, it is important to handle them with maturity, respect and empathy.”

The school is currently addressing the issue through its disciplinary process and assures the community that it takes the matter seriously and is working diligently to resolve it in a fair and appropriate manner.

In addition, BrookHurst International School is actively engaging with the parents of the students involved to ensure that they are informed and involved in the resolution process.

“Our goal is to promote understanding and reconciliation while upholding the values of respect and empathy within our school community,” said Nduhiu.

As well as dealing with the incident internally, the school is also facing external challenges. Nduhiu said, “We are also aware of a group of malicious individuals online who have decided to use this video/photo as a means of blackmailing us as an institution. We have taken the necessary legal action to bring these individuals to the full glare of the law”.

The school urged the community to refrain from sharing content relating to minors who are not their children or next of kin, and emphasised the need for support and cooperation during this difficult time.

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