Ajira Mpya Tanzania:- Medical Supplies Manager at Tindwa Medical and Health Services March, 2024

Job Title                     : Medical Supplies Manager

Department               : Medical Supplies Department

Reports to                  : Managing Director

Deadline                     :20th March 2024                              

Job Summary:

Supplies Manager shall oversee all departmental staff, assets, budgets and operations. To be successful in this role, supplies manager must be a thoughtful leader, fast acting and a confident decision-maker. 


  • Manage and ensure day-to-day operations runs smoothly
  • Design and implement departmental strategy policies, guidelines, procedures and set goals for growth
  • Set and implement plans, as well as maintain budgets and optimize expenses
  • Ensure departmental employees work productively, meet their targets, adhere to all procedures and develop professionally
  • Evaluate and improve operational and financial performance
  • Prepare and submit timely reports to management as may be required from time to time
  • Ensure department runs with higher efficiency, meet all target set and profitably
  • Manage departmental assets to ensure they are well serviced, maintained and kept
  • Ensure we provide best quality customer centered services and products in the market within timeline to meet all customer expectations
  • Provide solutions to issues timely (e.g. profit decline, employee conflicts, loss of business to competitors, customer complains, delays, etc.)
  • To ensure all company policies, procedures and guidelines are fully adhered within department.
  • To support other company operations, and ensure they runs smoothly without interruptions
  • Manage departmental vendors and customers



·       the ability to act decisively and solve staff or equipment-related problems

·       the capacity to grasp complex concepts easily

·       ICT literacy to deal with various technologies and programs

·       attention to detail to ensure high levels of quality

·       the ability to communicate clearly and persuasively with your team, and clients

·       strong negotiation skills for getting materials within budget at the right time

·       the ability to work under pressure and multitask

·       leadership skills and the ability to motivate others to meet deadlines

·       a results-driven approach to work

·       the ability to work in a logical, systematic manner



Work requires Bachelor Degree in Medicine or Bachelor in Medicine and bachelor in surgery, Bachelor of Nursing, Bachelor of Pharmacy from reputable University or Institute.





Minimum of 3 years’ experience working in managerial level.

Send your CV via recruitment@tmhstz.com

Go to our Homepage To Get Relevant Information.

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Opera Jobs

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