13 top paying freelance jobs as you look for your Remotasks account replacement – Nairobi News

Mid this month, Remotasks, an online tasking platform on building technologies related to artificial intelligence (AI), banned Kenyan users from accessing the platform.

The platform allows freelancers to earn money by doing simple tasks that involve identifying and labelling various objects in scenes.

These tasks, according to Remotasks, helps the platform’s clients develop smart technology such as virtual assistants, self driving cars and other forms of AI.

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The ban in Kenya came without warning.

“We are discontinuing operations in your current location… You will receive payments associated with your work completed via the payment account set up on your profile,” read a message to Kenyans with accounts on Remotasks.

This prompted widespread online discussions as online freelancing jobs continues to be popular among the digitally forward youth. Many are not turning to other global online websites to find new freelance gigs to make ends meet.

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In line with this, Nairobi News now looks at some of the top in-demand range of skills that clients are looking for among freelancers – both online and offline.

According to the 2023 Freelancer Insights Report by Payoneer, an American financial services company, the list was made based on popularity and the hourly pay rate.

They are as follows in order of most popular among freelancers to least popular:

  1. Web and graphic design – at 21 per cent, it pays $22 per hour (Sh2,904)
  2. Content writing – at 11 per cent, it pays $26 per hour (Sh3,432)
  3. Programming – at 9 per cent, it pays $28 per hour (Sh3,696)
  4. IT – at 7 per cent, it pays $21 per hour (Sh2,772)
  5. Marketing – at 7 per cent, it pays $28 per hour (Sh3,696)
  6. Multimedia production – at 6 per cent, it pays $35 per hour (Sh4,620)
  7. Administrative – at 6 per cent, it pays $13 per hour (Sh1,716)
  8. Sales – at 3 per cent, it pays $20 per hour (Sh2,640)
  9. Customer support – at 2 per cent, it pays $12 per hour (Sh1,584)
  10. QA – at 2 per cent, it pays $10 per hour (Sh1,320)
  11. Finance – at 2 per cent, it pays $26 per hour (Sh3,432)
  12. Project management – at 2 per cent, it pays $26 per hour (Sh3,432)
  13. Others – at 13 per cent, it pays $24 per hour (Sh3,168)

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The above freelance gigs can then guide you on which online jobs you can focus on as you research on which platform to join following the Remotasks ban.

Some of the common websites include Appen, Euphoreden, Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, Rev.com, Grotranscript and TaskRabbit.

These websites will continue to allow you to work remotely and from the comfort of your home without having to stretch your finances to handle expenses such as transportation and meals.

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Opera Jobs

Opera Jobs is a one-stop destination for job seekers and employers alike. This innovative job website was created with the goal of connecting talented individuals with exciting employment opportunities in various industries. Opera Jobs boasts a user-friendly interface that allows job seekers to easily search for jobs based on their preferences, skills, and experience. Employers can also post job listings and seamlessly connect with qualified candidates through the platform. With a wide range of job categories and locations available, Opera Jobs is the perfect platform for both job seekers and employers to find their ideal match in the competitive job market.

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